Finali 2013 16-1 Hand Hanoverian Mare
No longer offered for sale
Sire: Falsterbo by Fidermark/Brentano II
Dam: Wolkentessa by Wolkentanz/Adios III
Update: Finali just went to her first show - a USDF recognized show at the Tyler Rose Horse Park. She scored 68.5 and 69.2 at Training level and 67.8 at First level - and all blues (Judges Kristen Wysocki and Natalie Lamping)!
She also settled in beautifully at the show - she ate, drank and slept well. She took the 40 degree temperature drop, flapping tents and trash bags all in stride. She travelled with another mare but there were no separation hysterics as the mares came and went to their classes.
Helicon Farm is proud to offer Finali, a five year old Hanoverian mare.
She is in Dressage training and is learning rapidly. She already has a good counter canter and lengthening and she is getting stronger in her lateral work. We have also just introduced flying changes, which have been clean. She already needs a new video!
Finali hacks out quietly. She also has a year of hunter training and enjoys jumping. She is very willing, eager to learn and fun to ride.
She has three nice gaits, which are correct and adjustable. She has an unusually uphill and balanced canter especially for her age.
She is light and supple in the bridle. Her trot is easy to sit. She is responsive and forward while staying on the aids.
She is brave, honest, and straightforward, and will make an amateur owner very happy. She has the talent and trainability to satisfy any ambitious rider who wants to enjoy a drama-free partnership. Finale has an exceptional character for a young warmblood, but - due to her youth -I would not describe as bombproof, or a horse for a timid or beginner rider.
Finali loads easily, cross-ties and clips. She is good for the farrier. She goes out with other horses. She wears normal shoes in front and is barefoot behind.
She is a gorgeous liver chestnut and has the glossiest dappled coat!